Subsidy for Italian Cottage Basin

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Sericulture is the science of raising silkworms and extracting silk from mature worms, as well as growing Mulberry, a food source for silkworms. Silk is produced as a byproduct of sericulture, or silk cultivation. The demand for silk in our country and abroad is expanding on a daily basis. As a result, many of them seek to establish sericulture farming in India due to the enormous benefits of silkworm breeding.


Develop sericulture as a profitable and sustainable profession for all stakeholders, with a focus on rural employment and the production of internationally competitive raw silk.


  1. Achieve long-term output growth by expanding sericulture in new clusters for the benefit of the rural poor.
  2. Increasing quality through mechanisation and improved technologies.
  3. Increase production to worldwide standards.
  4. Strengthening marketing institutions and systems
  5. To improve research, extension, and training programmes.


  1. To support and sustain an increase in the area covered by improved mulberry varieties.
  2. To provide technical assistance and financial assistance in the creation of a suggested microclimate for chowki and adult silkworm rearing and mounting.
  3. To provide technical assistance and financial assistance for the installation of machinery to create high-quality gradable silk.
  4. Encourage micro-irrigation to save water and sustain more land under mulberry.
  5. Encourage farm and livestock mechanisation to reduce labour utilisation and drudgery.
  6. To improve Human Resource Management by increasing stakeholder capacity.
  7. To make trustworthy credit available to all parties.
  8. Promote novel races, manufacturing, and sale of high-quality silkworm seeds through various government and private-sector players (RSPs)


  • Farmers (Sericulturists): Farmers who own land, have farmed mulberry, and have set up a facility to rear silkworms in order to produce cocoons.
  • Reelers: Convert perishable commodity – cocoons – to a stable commodity – raw silk – through mechanical processes and interventions, with investment and raw material quality fluctuating.
  • Seed producers: Individuals who prepare silkworm seeds from disease-free raw material (seed cocoons) received from designated regions of intensive cultivation.
  • Chawki Rearers: Individuals who have developed a facility to rear/care for newly born silkworms for up to 10 days.

Subsidy for Italian type filature basin reeling unit

Unit costs and Subsidy (in lakhs)

Basins: 6

Unit Cost: 1.50

General category: 75% and value of 1.125

Scheduled caste/ Scheduled tribe: 90% and value of 1.350

Basins: 1 table

Unit Cost: 0.50

General category: 75% and value of 0.375

Scheduled caste/ Scheduled tribe: 90% and value of 0.450

Basins: 2 table

Unit Cost: 1.00

General category: 75% and value of 0.750

Scheduled caste/ Scheduled tribe: 90% and value of 0.900


All reelers are eligible

Documents required

  1. Prescribed Application form and a photo
  2. Reeling shed construction site document
  3. Project Report
  4. Plan & Estimate

Number of days:

30 days from the date of submission of all prescribed documents and subject to availability of funds

Contact Officers

ADS: Assistant Director of Sericulture

DDS: Deputy Director of Sericulture

JDS: Joint Director of Sericulture

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