What is the Technology Development and Support Scheme by NSIC?

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The Technology Development and Support Scheme (TDSS) is a comprehensive program offered by the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) in India to provide technical and technological support to small businesses. The scheme is designed to help small businesses to improve their competitiveness by providing assistance in various areas such as product design, development, and testing, technology upgradation and productivity improvement.

The TDSS provides various services to small businesses such as:

  1. Training Programs: NSIC conducts various training programs for small businesses to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to improve their technology and productivity. The training programs cover various topics such as product design, development, and testing, technology upgradation, and productivity improvement.
  2. Workshops and Seminars: NSIC organizes various workshops and seminars for small businesses to provide them with the latest information and updates on technology and its application in their field. The workshops and seminars are conducted by experts in the respective fields and provide small businesses with a platform to interact with other businesses and experts.
  3. Product Design, Development and Testing: NSIC provides assistance to small businesses in product design, development, and testing. Small businesses can avail of this assistance by submitting a proposal to NSIC. The proposal is evaluated by NSIC, and if found feasible, the small business is provided with the necessary assistance. The assistance provided in product design, development, and testing helps small businesses to improve the quality and design of their products and services, which increases their chances of generating sales and revenue.
  4. Technology Upgradation: NSIC provides assistance to small businesses in upgrading their technology. The scheme provides small businesses with the necessary funding to purchase new equipment and machinery. The scheme also provides small businesses with the necessary technical and technological support to improve their productivity.
  5. Productivity Improvement: NSIC provides assistance to small businesses in improving their productivity. The scheme provides small businesses with the necessary technical and technological support to improve their productivity. The scheme also provides small businesses with the necessary funding to purchase new equipment and machinery.

In conclusion, The Technology Development and Support Scheme (TDSS) is a comprehensive program offered by the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) in India to provide technical and technological support to small businesses. The scheme is designed to help small businesses improve their competitiveness by providing assistance in product design, development, testing, technology upgradation and productivity improvement. The scheme provides small businesses with various services such as training programs, workshops and seminars, product design and development, technology upgradation and productivity improvement. These services are provided with the aim of helping small businesses to improve the quality and design of their products and services, upgrade their technology, and increase their productivity, which in turn helps them to increase their competitiveness in the market.

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