The national government started the Rajiv Awas Yojana with the goal of making India slum-free. It is a Central Sector Scheme, also known as the Rajiv Housing Scheme, that aims to offer basic social amenities, basic shelter, and civic infrastructure to every resident.
The Rajiv Awas Yojana initiative encourages all states and union territories to formally manage slums so that residents of their particular states and UTs have access to essential services.
The Rajiv Gandhi Awas Yojana also seeks to give low-cost housing to the urban poor. As a result, they have begun to implement critical reforms in the relevant policies.
This scheme has a clear goal, which includes –
- Introducing measures to address the causes of slum formation.
- Housing, civic structure, and social amenities in intervention slums are being improved.
- Empowering the community through ensuring participation at all levels of decision-making while developing Slum Dwellers’ Associations/Federations.
- Create a resource network to develop strategies for increasing institutional and human resources at the city, state, and municipal levels.
- Creating a favourable climate for the provision of formal credit to the urban poor.
The Rajiv Awas Yojana Housing Scheme adheres to a set of principles that encompass the scope, coverage, implementation method, changes, government support, monitoring mechanisms, administrative and implementation structure, and so on.
Aside from this, several operational guidelines have been issued to handle various issues, such as –
- Preparation
- Reforms
- Participation in the Community
- Audits of Social Behavior
- Slum-free City Project Management Plan of Action Assurance Manual Capacity Building
Features and Benefits
The Rajiv Awas Yojana’s features and benefits are detailed below :
- The Rajiv Gandhi Housing Yojana employs two methodologies for execution. These include the development of a slum-free city plan and the development of projects for selected slums.
- States/UTs/Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)/Central Government Agencies are eligible for financial support under this plan.
- Furthermore, the Affordable Housing in Partnership scheme, which is part of the Rajiv Awas Yojana, provides financial assistance for the creation of affordable housing stock through public-private partnerships.
- The Central Government gives financial support of $75,000 per Economically Weaker Section/Low Income Group for Dwelling Units of 21 to 40 sq. mt. under Affordable Housing in Partnership.
There is no such type in the Rajiv Gandhi Awas Yojana Scheme. However, Rajiv Awas Yojana can be divided into three groups based on finance. This city segregation is based on population data from the 2011 census.
- A: Individuals living in cities or urban agglomerations with a population of 5 lakhs or more are included.
- B: Individuals residing in cities or urban agglomerations having a population of less than 5 lakh are included
- C: Individuals living in cities or urban agglomerations in the North Eastern Region, as well as special category states (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand).
According to this, category A will receive money up to a maximum of 5 lakh. Similarly, categories B and C will receive 4 lakh and 5 lakh, respectively.
Eligibility criteria
- This scheme is open to all of the recipients indicated in the previous section.
- This system also includes rental and housing options.
- Affordable Housing in Partnership, a component of Rajiv Awas Yojana, is available for projects with a minimum of 250 dwelling units (DUs).