Scheme of Research, Development and Consultancies on Generic issues of Public Sector Enterprises

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The Scheme of Research, Development, and Consultancies (RDC) aims to:

(i) Conduct theme studies on generic issues of general/sectoral type affecting public sector firms in the world’s fast-changing economic context.

(ii) Hold seminars and workshops on general issues affecting public-sector firms in order to promote collaboration and cooperative learning for the purpose of exchanging experiences.

(iii) Implement capacity-building and skill-development training programmes.

(iii) Continuous improvement in the performance evaluation and management processes of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs).

(v) Encourage excellent practices in priority areas by awarding and incentivizing CPSEs and SLPEs.

(vi) Handle any other significant problem pertaining to the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE)


(i) Thematic Consultancies and Research: There is a need to commit research on general/sectoral concerns relevant to public businesses to diverse organizations/consultants. Thematic studies and consultancies on generic issues such as corporate governance, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) system, professionalisation, project management, risk management, human resource management, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and so on would be undertaken for Public Sector Enterprises. In addition, benchmarking studies on certain sectors would be conducted to assist businesses in moving toward meeting those benchmarks and being nationally/internationally competitive. The Scheme will cover all of these costs.

(ii) Seminars, seminars, and other events on general CPSE subjects:

Seminars and conferences give information to help address pressing challenges. Seminars, workshops, conferences, and other learning events on many generic themes must be planned with the goal of gaining experience in many different forms of learning and remaining engaged through learning activities. Following the implementation of the rules of the Companies Act, 2013, on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a greater emphasis on regular meetings is required.

The emphasis would be on encouraging DPE officials, as well as officials from other Public Sector Enterprises, to participate in study tours, foreign workshops, and other learning activities. This Scheme would cover all of these costs.

(iii) Training for CPSE Directors, with a focus on non-official Directors

2.5 The DPE rules on Corporate Governance for CPSEs require newly recruited NODs to be trained on the company’s business strategy. However, in addition to induction training by CPSEs to familiarise with the rules and regulations, business module, risk profile, and so on, DPE may, from time to time, organise general short term training for NODs, official directors, and other Directors on the boards of CPSEs on relevant areas such as the model code of business ethics and conduct of the company in collaboration with respective CPSEs. It will assist the board in recommending the best solution for the enterprises’ short and long-term success.

(iv) Identification of Training Requirements

While the training will primarily focus on improving the abilities of important employees, it may also include institution development and organisational reform. To identify training requirements, suggestions/feedback from states/UTs/SLPEs/CPSEs and centres of excellence like as IIMs, IITs, ASCI, IIPA, IPE, and others would be sought in each of the emphasis areas. Financial/marketing management, leadership challenge, total quality management, information technology, e-commerce, e-governance, corporate governance, capital market reform and risk management, negotiation strategies & skills, health & stress management, industrial relations & labour issues, international taxation, international finance/ accounting standards, management information system, communication skills.

Payment Method

All payments under the RDC Scheme would be controlled by the procedure outlined in the General Financial Rules (GFR) and with the approval of the Integrated Finance Wing.

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